Monday, February 8, 2010

Continuing the development of your elearning strategy

In my last post I left you with an outline of how you could consider and analyse where you are on your e-learning journey.

We will continue your journey now that you are ready to outline the business problem (the reason for the strategy)and how you plan to solve it.

Which your focus now to:

What is the problem?
Do you need to update your current e-learning strategy?
How do you plan to solve it?

Similar to my last post, this post is aimed at those considering a strategy that is linked to a possible project application and not a whole of organisation approach (having said that it should align to your organisations e-learning strategy).

We will start by considering:

What are the main objectives of your project? This helps you prove why your project should exist in the first place. You need to know the answer to this question, otherwise you might find it hard to get management buy in. As you monitor your project throughout its lifecycle you can keep coming back to the objectives and the question - do we still have a problem, should this project continue to exist?

How will you know that your project will be a success?

Teachers are used to writing performance criteria and learning outcomes. The same rules apply here. Prepare a list of statements to identify the success of your project. Remember to use action words and make them measurable.

Eg: At the completion of the project the project team will have developed two units of compentence from XXXX that will include opportunities for self assessment and build on past experience.

Success criteria will help you to assess the need for the project and if necessary prove to management that the project should continue. It can also be used as a benchmark during evaluation processes.

Your strategy should draw on common project management tools, such as:
* Stakeholder identification & management
* Human resources matrixes
* The skills of your team and training required
* Audience (or learner) profiles
* Risk analysis
* Task schedules and Gantt charts

If you would like some help with project management visit my project management tips wiki at

In my next post I will move on to a discussion on the technical ability of your organisation and the support your strategy must offer to the project team and your learners.

Feel free to add your own comments and expertise to this post.

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