Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New year, new opportunities

2010 offer many new and exciting opportunities. Nothing stays the same. Consider how the web has developed over the last 20 years, what about the computers we use and the software we started with? Change is inevitable and if you are like me, I love change. It offers excitement and new opportunities.

The first opportunity I want to share with you is the latest announcement for e-learning innovations funding. Visit for more information and to download your copy of the funding guidelines.

The NSW team will conduct a series of information sessions across NSW. You can find details by visiting This year I am trialling online registrations.

To get ideas for project funding why not visit the 2009 and 2008 team profile pages. Start at

If you are wondering what new technologies might be out there, then visit slideshare and watch this slide presentation, it will trigger your memory and highlight some new comers to the web.

SlideShare Presentation: Web 3.0 - What you may not know about the new web

Well enjoy your day and remember contributions to this blog are welcome. It is a great tool to get information on e-learnng out there.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcome to 2010

Well it is the beginning of another year. I hope you had a relaxing Christmas and New Year and are ready for another exciting year in the world of training and facilitation. This year is already shaping up to be one of promise.

On Monday 18th January, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework will launch the state and territory guidelines for RTOs and Business wanting to apply for e-learning innovations funding.

Please visit: around this date for more information and download your copy of the NSW Innovations Guidelines.

Remember that all project teams must be led by an Australian RTO. There are two categories of funding: Empowering learners and Business-training provider partnerships.

Please feel free to email me or leave your questions as comments on this blog.

I wish you all a prosperous and successful 2010.
